My curriculum Vitae:
A few maths report done when I was an undergrad, in french or english:
Some notes adapted from a 2h talk given at IMJ-PRG on November 27, 2023 (my birthday !) about a paper of M. Tsujii and Z. Zhang: « Smooth mixing Anosov flows in dimension three are exponential mixing ». I recently slighty generalized them (the associated paper can be found in the « preprint » page, under the name « On the fourier dimension of basic sets… »):
The official version of my PhD manuscript, containing upgraded versions of all of my previous papers/preprints. In particular, Chapter 4 and 5 contains the first proof of the positivity of the fourier dimension for the basic set of a nonlinear Axiom A diffeo on a surface. There is still work in progress to weaken the nonlinearity hypothesis. Chapter 5 generalises the previous notes « on the fluctuations… » and « On the fourier dimension of basic sets… ». These should become a proper research paper in the future.