Liste de publications complète

[60] A.-M. Aubert et Sandeep Varma, On congruent isomorphisms for tori, arXiv:2401.08306.

[59] A.-M. Aubert, B. Romano et D. Ciubotaru, A nonabelian Fourier transform for tempered unipotent representations, Compositio Mathematica (à paraître).

[58] A.-M. Aubert et Y. Xu, Hecke algebras for p-adic reductive groups and local Langlands correspondence for Bernstein blocks, Advances in Mathematics, vol. 436, 2024.

[57] A.-M. Aubert, Correspondences between affine Hecke algebras and applications, Prépublication 2023, arXiv :2311.03203, Soumis à publication.

[56] A.-M. Aubert, Bruhat-Tits buildings, representations of p-adic groups and Langlands correspondence, Journal of Algebra, Volume dédié à Jacques Tits (à paraître).

[55] A.-M. Aubert, A. Moussaoui et M. Solleveld, Affine Hecke algebras for classical p-adic groups, Prépublication 2022, arXiv :2211.08196, Soumis à publication.

[54] A.-M. Aubert et Y. Xu, The explicit local Langlands correspondence for G2, Prépublication 2022, arXiv :2208.12391, Soumis à publication.

[53] A.-M. Aubert, R. Plymen Comparison of the depths on both sides of the local Langlands correspondence for Weil-restricted groups (with appendix by Jessica Fintzen), Journal of Number Theory, 233C (2022), 24–58.

[52] A.-M. Aubert, Antonio Behn, Jorge Soto-Andrade, Groupoids, Geometric Induction and Gelfand Models, 2020, arXiv :2012.15384.

[51] A.-M. Aubert et A. Afgoustidis, C*-blocks and crossed products for classical p-adic groups, IMRN, 2021.

[50] A.-M. Aubert et A. Afgoustidis, Continuity of the Mackey-Higson bijection, Pacific J. Math. 310 (2021), no. 2, 257–273. .

[49] A.-M. Aubert, Antonio Behn, Jorge Soto-Andrade, Groupoids, Geometric Induction and Gelfand Models, 2020, arXiv :2012.15384.

[48] A.-M. Aubert Some aspects of the geometric structure of the smooth dual of p-adic groups, in Quantum Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, Vol. 120, Polish Acamey of Sciences Warszawa 2020.

[47] A.-M. Aubert, Paul Baum, Roger Plymen, Maarten Solleveld, Morita equivalences for k-algebras, in Quantum Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, Vol. 120, Polish Aca- mey of Sciences Warszawa 2020.

[46] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen, et M. Solleveld, Smooth duals of inner forms of GLn and SLn, Doc. Math. 24 (2019), 373–420.

[45] A.-M. Aubert, R. Plymen, et M. Solleveld, Contribution to Celebratio Mathematica : Paul Baum, https ://−P/article/714/

[44] A.-M. Aubert, Local Langlands and Springer correspondences in Representations of reductive p-adic groups, 1–37, Progr. Math. 328, Birkha ̈user/Springer, Singapore, 2019.

[43] A.-M. Aubert, A. Moussaoui et M. Solleveld, Graded Hecke algebras for disconnected reductive groups, pp. 23–84 in : Geometric aspects of the trace formula, W. Mu ̈ller, S. W. Shin, N. Templier (eds.) Simons Symposia, Springer, 2018.

[42] A.-M. Aubert, A. Moussaoui et M. Solleveld, Generalizations of the Springer cor- respondence and cuspidal Langlands parameters, Manus. Math. 157 (2018), 121–192.

[41] A.-M. Aubert, Around the Langlands program, Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 120 (2018), no. 1, 3–40.

[40] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen and M. Solleveld, Conjectures about p-adic groups and their noncommutative geometry, 15–51, Contemp. Math. 691, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2017.

[39] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen and M. Solleveld, Hecke algebras for inner forms of p-adic special linear groups. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 16 (2017), no. 2, 351–419.

[38] A.-M. Aubert, A. Moussaoui et M. Solleveld, Affine Hecke algebras for Langlands parameters, arXiv :1701.03593, submitted.

[37] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, Conjectures about p-adic groups and their noncommutative geometry, 15–21, in “Around Langlands corresponden- ces”, Contemp. Math., 691, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2017.

[36] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, Hecke algebras for inner forms of p-adic special linear groups, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 16 (2017), pp. 351–419, Cambridge University Press.

[35] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, The principal series of p-adic groups with disconnected centre, Proc. London Math. Soc. 114 (2017) pp. 798–854.

[34] A.-M. Aubert, S. Mendes, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, L-packets and depth for SL2(K) with K a local function field of characteristic 2, Int. J. Number Theory 13 (2017), pp. 2545–2568.

[33] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, Geometric structure for Bernstein blocks, J. Noncommut. Geom. 10 (2016), no. 2, pp. 663–680.

[32] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, Depth and the local Langlands correspondence, in Arbeitstagung Bonn 2013, In Memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch eds. W. Ballmann, C. Blohmann, G. Faltings, P. Teichner, et D. Zagier pp. 17–41, Progr. Math., 319, Birkhäuser/Springer, Cham, 2016.

[31] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, The local Langlands correspondence for inner forms of SLn, Res. Math. Sci. 3 (2016), Paper No. 32, 34 pp.

[30] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, On the local Langlands corres- pondence for non-tempered representations, Muenster J. Math 7 (Volume for the Iwasawa Conference for Peter Schneider’s birthday) (2014), pp. 27–50.

[29] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen et M. Solleveld, Geometric structure in the smooth dual and local Langlands. conjecture, Japanese J. Math. 9, 2014.

[28] A.-M. Aubert, W. Kraskiewicz et T. Przebinda, Howe correspondence and Springer correspondence for dual pairs over a finite field, in “Lie algebras, Lie superalgebras, vertex algebras and related topics”, pp 17–44, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 92, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2016.

[27] A.-M. Aubert et T. Przebinda, A reverse engineering approach to the Weil representation, Central European J. Math. 12 (2014), pp. 1500–1585.

[26] A.-M. Aubert, W. Kraskiewicz et T. Przebinda, Howe correspondence and Springer correspondence for real reductive pairs, manuscripta math. 143 (2014), pp. 81–130.

[25] P. Achar et A.-M. Aubert, Localisation de faisceaux caractères, Advances in Mathematics 224, Issue 6 (2010), 2435-2471.

[24] A.-M. Aubert, U. Onn, A. Prasad et A. Stasinski, On cuspidal representations of general linear groups over discrete valuation rings, Israel Journal of Mathematics 175 (2010), pp. 391–420.

[23] P. Achar et A.-M. Aubert, Springer correspondences for dihedral groups, Transfor- mation Groups, 13 (2008), 1–24.

[22] P. Achar et A.-M. Aubert, Représentations de Springer pour les groupes de réflexions complexes imprimitifs, J. Algebra 319 (2008), no. 10, 4102–4139.

[21] P. Achar et A.-M. Aubert, On rank-two complex reflection groups, Comm. in Alge- bra, 36 (2008), 2092–2132.

[20] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen, Geometric structure in the representaton theory of p-adic groups, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 345 (2007) 573–578.

[19] P. Achar et A.-M. Aubert, Supports unipotents de faisceaux caractères, J. of the Inst. of Math. Jussieu 6 (2007), 173–207.

[18] A.-M. Aubert, S. Hasan et R. Plymen, Cycles in the chamber homology of GL(3), K-Theory 37 (2006) 341–377.

[17] A.-M. Aubert, P. Baum, R. Plymen, The Hecke algebra of a reductive p-adic group : a geometric conjecture, In : Noncommutative geometry and number theory, Eds : C. Consani and M. Marcolli, Aspects of Mathematics E37, Vieweg Verlag (2006) 1–34.

[16] A.-M. Aubert et R. Plymen, Plancherel measure for GL(n,F) and GL(m,D) : Explicit formulas and Bernstein decomposition, J. Number Theory 112 (2005) 26–66.

[15] A.-M. Aubert et R. Plymen, Explicit Plancherel formula for the p-adic group GL(n), C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S ́er. I 338 (2004) pp. 843–848.

[14] A.-M. Aubert, Character sheaves and generalized Springer correspondence, Nagoya Math. J. 170 (2003), 47–72.

[13] A.-M. Aubert et C. Cunningham, An introduction to sheaves on adic spaces for p- adic group representation theory, Functional Analysis VII Conference Dubrovnik, Croatia, D. Bakic, P. Pandzic, G. Peskir (eds.), Various Publication Series of the Aarhus University, No 46 (2003), pp. 11–51. Math ́ematiciens (Livres rec ̧us), S.M.F. juillet 2005.

[12] A.-M. Aubert, Un peu d’histoire des groupes finis et quelques exemples simples, Groupes finis, Journées mathématiques X-UPS 2000. Les éditions de l’Ecole Polytechnique, Eds. Nicole Berline et Claude Sabbah, 2000.

[11] A.-M. Aubert, Some properties of character sheaves, Pacific J. Math (Special Issue in the honor of Olga Taussky-Todd) 181 (1998) 37–51.

[10] A.-M. Aubert, Formule des traces sur les corps finis, Proc. Conf. Finite Reductive Groups, Related Structures and Representations (Luminy 1994), Ed. Marc Cabanes, 141 15–49, Birkhäuuser, Progress in Math. Boston, Basel, Berlin, 1997.

[9] A.-M. Aubert, Dualité dans le groupe de Grothendieck de la catégorie des représentations lisses de longueur finie d’un groupe réductif p-adique, Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc 347 (1995), 2179–2189. Erratum : Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 4687–4690.

[8] A.-M. Aubert, J. Michel et R. Rouquier, Correspondance de Howe pour les groupes réductifs sur les corps finis, Duke Math. Journal 83 (1996), 353–397.

[7] A.-M. Aubert, Foncteurs de Mackey et dualité de Curtis généralisés, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S ́er. I 315 (1992) 663–668.

[6] A.-M. Aubert, Séries de Harish-Chandra de modules et correspondance de Howe modulaire, Journal of Algebra 165 (1994) no. 3, 576–601.

[5] A.-M. Aubert et R. Howe, Géométrie des cônes aigus et application à la projection euclidienne sur la chambre de Weyl positive, Journal of Algebra 149 (1992), 472–493.

[4] A.-M. Aubert, Description de la correspondance de Howe en terme de classification de Kazhdan-Lusztig, Inventiones mathematicae 103 (1991), 379–415.

[3] A.-M. Aubert, Conservation de la ramification modérée, Bull. Soc. Math. France 117 (1989), 297–303.

[2] A.-M. Aubert, Correspondance de Howe et sous-groupes parahoriques, Journal für die reine und angew. Mathematik 392 (1988) 176–186.

[1] A.-M. Aubert, Correspondance de Howe et sous-groupes parahoriques, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. I 307 (1988) 431–434.