I completed a PhD in combinatorial geometry with title « Geometric realizations using regular subdivisions », under the supervision of Arnau Padrol and Francisco Santos, at Sorbonne Université and Universitat de Barcelona.
I worked mainly on polytopes, regular subdivisions, oriented matroids, flow polytopes.
My defense took place on June 7th, 2024, in Paris.
- Arnau Padrol, Eva Philippe and Francisco Santos. Many regular triangulations and many polytopes.
Appeared in the Mathematische Annalen (2023). Preprint on the arXiv.
An extended abstract appeared in Proceedings of the Discrete Mathematics Days (DMD 22), 2022, pp. 211–216. - Federico Castillo, Jean-Philippe Labbé, Julia Liebert, Arnau Padrol, Eva Philippe and Christian Schilling. An effective solution to convex 1-body N-representability.
Appeared in the Annales Henri Poincaré 24 (2023), no. 7, 2241–2321. Preprint on the arXiv. - Arnau Padrol and Eva Philippe. Sweeps, polytopes, oriented matroids, and allowable graphs of permutations.
Appeared in Combinatorica (2023). Preprint on the arXiv.
- Rafael S. González D’León, Alejandro H. Morales, Eva Philippe, Daniel Tamayo Jiménez and Martha Yip. Realizing the s-permutahedron via flow polytopes.
Preprint on the arXiv (2023).
- Eva Philippe and Vincent Pilaud. Geometric realizations of the s-weak order and its lattice quotients.
Preprint on the arXiv (2024).